Why I bake- a lot

As an alcoholic in recovery, I had to find another outlet, another addiction if you will. I bake because it not only makes me happy to have created something, but it is always SO FULFILLING to give what I bake to other people, and make them happy. So none of the recipes on here include alcohol, and if I do make a recipe that calls for wine, I will substitute fruit juice.

And I am a big kid. I want to be a French teacher for pre-schoolers, so I feel it is important for me to keep thinking like a child. Also the whole child-like thinking helps me feel fulfilled in my daily life. Please leave comments if these recipes make you happy, I just love hearing that. I strive to keep the child inside me alive.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Step Three: Made a decision to turn my life over to the joy of baking. And Chess Squares!

Seriously, I'm on a baking kick. It's Spring Break for me this week, so I decided tonight I was gonna make myself a nice southern meal. Fried chicken, Green Bean Casserole and Macaroni and Cheese.
Granted, I got some help along the way. Kroger Fried chicken and I made the Kraft homestyle Mac & Cheese. But I did make the Green Bean Casserole! (Or as my friend Ian likes to call it, Greenbough casserole) I make it a touch different than most people so here's the recipe for that:

You'll Need:
2 large cans of green beans, drained
2 cans of cream of cheddar soup
1 large can of fried onions

You'll do:
Preheat the oven to 325. Mix the DRAINED green beans, soup and half of the onions in a large mixing bowl. Transfer mixture to a prepared casserole dish, cover with other half of fried onions. Bake for about 20-25 minutes.

You can add salt and pepper to taste, or you can add milk, but I find if you use the cheddar cheese soup it turns out fine without anything extra. And yes, there is a story about why i mentioned draining the green beans twice. You see, this used to be the only thing I was comfortable with making for a long time, mainly because i was drunk and there is no expertise that goes into making this. So consequently, I made this drunk quite often. It is great hangover food. One time, however, I forgot to drain the beans. And it ended badly. Like a car wreck. To tell you the truth, it didn't just happen once, because usually I got into my cooking mode during blackouts (I know, I know, not the safest thing to do). So it was often that I opened the refrigerator the next morning to a soggy mess. What a waste of fried onions and soup. My advice is this: DON'T FORGET TO DRAIN THE BEANS!!!!

So now onto more important stuff, like dessert.

In keeping with my southern meal theme, I was craving a chess pie. If you have never had chess pie, it is basically eggs, butter, and sugar. Nothing wrong there. I highly recommend it. The problem with making a chess pie though is that it is hard to get the consistency right. I've tried multiple times and have ended up with a pie that was perfect until you got to about 2 inches from the center, and it wasn't baked at all. So for my dessert tonight, I decided to make chess squares. They are basically the same idea as chess pie, just baked more like a cake and pumped up a little bit. I have heard these things referred to as chess pie on steroids, and I must say, this is pretty accurate. Melt in your mouth goodness right here. I found this recipe on http://girloutofdixie.wordpress.com and I must say, I absolutely adore this blog. I love how I can relate to EVERYTHING on there. My favorite post is the one about pigs in a blanket, and the make-believe argument about how many crescent rolls to buy in the grocery store. I'm proud to say I have had that exact same argument. I take the stance that you can never have too many cans of crescent rolls lying around. They are so damn versatile. My favorite thing is wrapping sloppy joe mix and ground beef inside them and covering them with cheddar cheese before you bake them. Add 1-2 minutes on the bake time if you fill them. But alas, I digress. We are talking about chess squares. So this is what you get coming out of the oven:

It is just so beautiful that I had to take a picture. And it smells amazing. And the smell lingers. There is just so many wins to making this its unbelievable. And for my favorite food picture I have taken yet:

BEAUTIFUL, RIGHT? I know, I'm a baking rockstar. I'm kinda a big deal. So everyone that usually eats the stuff I bake that tried these agreed that this was my best creation yet. I know, ya'll are getting tired of reading it, but these are the best things yet. YUMMY YUMMY GET IN MY TUMMY!

You'll need:

For the crust:
1 egg
1 box yellow cake mix
1 t vanilla
1 stick butter, melted and cooled

For the filling:
8 oz. Cream cheese
3 eggs
1 box confectioner’s sugar

You'll do:

For the crust:
Mix above until crumbly. Spread in a buttered (or Crisco-ed, if you must) 9 x 13” pan. Work from the center and have the crust a little higher around the edges.

For the filling:
Beat well and pour into crust. Bake at 375 for 30 to 40 minutes or until brown.

I'm gonna have to make another batch of these soon. Happy baking ya'll!!!

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