Why I bake- a lot

As an alcoholic in recovery, I had to find another outlet, another addiction if you will. I bake because it not only makes me happy to have created something, but it is always SO FULFILLING to give what I bake to other people, and make them happy. So none of the recipes on here include alcohol, and if I do make a recipe that calls for wine, I will substitute fruit juice.

And I am a big kid. I want to be a French teacher for pre-schoolers, so I feel it is important for me to keep thinking like a child. Also the whole child-like thinking helps me feel fulfilled in my daily life. Please leave comments if these recipes make you happy, I just love hearing that. I strive to keep the child inside me alive.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cookie of the Week 10

Cinnamon bun COOKIES

Yum Yum Yum! Not the best I've made yet, but pretty damn good! I got behind on the cookie of the week deal this month because I first realized that I had miscounted weeks and had too many cookies vs. weeks AND THEN I was a part of a planning committee for a conference that was this past weekend, SO I was pretty engulfed in that all last week. So I made cookies tonight and I plan on making week 11 later this week. It will be festive for St. Patty's day! YAY! Is it weird that even as an active alcoholic I never really participated in St. Patrick's Day except for a few pinches, usually directed toward the male of the moment, as a way of flirting. Yah, I certainly have that whole male problem in my life too. ANYWHO, back to cookies! These are another roll up cookie, similar to the Chocolate-Swirled Peanut Butter Cookies of Week 2.
 The Icing makes them glorious looking. I got this recipe from Once upon a Plate.

You'll Need:
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus additional 2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, plus 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon (divided use)
1/2 teaspoon baking soday
1/2 cup butter, soft room temperature, plus 3 tablespoons (divided use)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar, plus 1/2 cup (divided use)
1 egg yolk
1/4 u applesauce
1 tablespoon light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
For the glaze:
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar (sifted)
1 to 3 tablespoons milk

You'll do:
In a medium bowl thoroughly whisk flour, salt, baking soda and cinnamon until ingredients are evenly blended and no lumps are present.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment,  beat 1/2 cup butter, 1/4 cup granulated sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar until light colored. To the mixture add egg yolk, applesauce, corn syrup & vanilla. Beat until well incorporated.  Remove paddle and bowl from mixer. With a wooden spoon or stiff spatula fold flour mixture into butter mixture until just combined. Divide dough into two equal pieces, wrap in cling film; refrigerate for 30 minutes to an hour. While dough is chilling combine 1 tablespoon cinnamon & 1/2 cup brown sugar in a bowl; whisk to mix evenly. Set aside.
When dough has chilled, roll out into a rectangle 1/4-inch thick. The dough is sticky, so I like to either roll between two silpat/silicone baking mats, or waxed paper which has been sprayed with a little oil spray (like Pam). Place one oiled wax paper facing up, place the dough, then top with another sheet of wax paper (oil side down), then begin rolling. With a pastry brush, spread 1 1/2 tablespoons of soften butter on dough; sprinkle 1/2 of the cinnamon & sugar mixture evenly over the butter; gently pat into the dough.  Form log by rolling log from the long side, roll firmly and place seam side down on parchment paper or plastic cling film; wrap air-tight.  Repeat entire process with second half of dough. Place both wrapped logs in the refrigerator and chill for 45 minutes to an hour.
When chilled, remove from refrigerator and slice each log into 1/2 inch slices, place slices on parchment lined, or baking mat lined baking sheets, leaving about 1" between each slice on all sides.  Bake in a 350˚ (F) oven for about 8 to 10 minutes until lightly browned.  Remove from oven, allow to cool on baking sheet for 2 to 3 minutes, then place each cookie on a wire rack to cool.
Make Glaze:
Sift powdered sugar place in a small bowl;  drizzle in milk until desired glaze consistency is reached.  Drizzle tops of cookies with glaze. Glaze will dry completely, store cookies in an airtight container.

A few notes from my experience: I had no idea what the "u" was for the applesauce. I just used a whole one of those single serving applesauce cups. Be sure that when you roll your log, you roll tightly. This will #1 make it easier to cut the cookies and #2 they won't semi-fall apart in the oven.

The recipe on the blog says it makes two dozen two inch cookies. One batch of mine came out as one inch and I made about 20 cookies. As with all recipes, I guess it just varies.

Happy Baking! 

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