Why I bake- a lot

As an alcoholic in recovery, I had to find another outlet, another addiction if you will. I bake because it not only makes me happy to have created something, but it is always SO FULFILLING to give what I bake to other people, and make them happy. So none of the recipes on here include alcohol, and if I do make a recipe that calls for wine, I will substitute fruit juice.

And I am a big kid. I want to be a French teacher for pre-schoolers, so I feel it is important for me to keep thinking like a child. Also the whole child-like thinking helps me feel fulfilled in my daily life. Please leave comments if these recipes make you happy, I just love hearing that. I strive to keep the child inside me alive.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cookie of the Week 11

I'M A BAKING LEPRECHAUN! lol not really. There is no pot of gold at the end of this post (DAGNABBIT) But for St. Patrick's day, I decided to go green with the cookie of the week! My friend Carrie made these cookies a while back, and they were so good I just had to add them to the cookie of the week list. AND THEY ARE GREEEEEEEEEEEN. Perfect.

Mint Chocolate Chip cookies. They actually taste like the ice cream, but not, you know, cold. It was a weird taste first bite and then reality sets in and you just want to keep eating them!

They look so pretty all packed up in the cookie jar that I just had to take a picture of them. This recipe comes from thestir.cafemom.com

You'll Need:
2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon mint extract
8-10 drops of green food coloring (optional)
1/2 cup creme de menthe baking chips 
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chunks

You'll do:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Mix together flour, baking soda, and baking powder.
In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth.
Beat in egg, mint, food coloring, and vanilla. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients.
Add the baking chips and chocolate chunks. 
Roll dough into balls, and place onto ungreased cookie sheets.
Bake 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden. Let cool.

Some tips from yours truly: My grocery store did not have creme de menthe chips, but they did have a dark chocolate/ mint chip mix from Toll House. I used a cup of these and just omitted the other chocolate chunks. Worked out fine. I did add slightly more food coloring than the recipe calls for, and that also turned out fine. I wanted them suckers GREEN. And finally, don't be led astray by the ungreased cookie sheet. I thought it was weird when I first read it, but there is soooo much butter that these things just lift right off the pan. I was planning on a cleaning struggle, but it did not come to that thankfully.

That's week 11!!!! Can you guys believe its the 11th week ALREADY? Its true, time does fly as you get older.

Happy Baking!

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